Happy Ending: Archie (F/K/A Gull)

Gull, now “Archie,” is loving life in his new home. He zooms up and down the stairs in the morning and at night, gets lots of belly rubs (so strange for a cat!), and sleeps with us at night. Archie is a very good sport about getting his nails trimmed and using his scratching posts. […]
Happy Ending: Freddie Mercury & Alice Cooper

My son and I adopted Alice Cooper and Freddie Cooper and they are settling in nicely in our home. They have excellent litter box skills and eat and play with gusto. We are slowly earning Freddie’s trust, and he often dashes under a bed when we move around the house. When we are still, he […]
Happy Ending: Basil (F/K/A Sydney) & Olive (F/K/A Autumn)

Just wanted to let you know that the 2 kitties we adopted from Angels Wish are doing great! We renamed them, and Sydney is now Basil and Autumn is now Olive. Both cats are playful and active and also snuggly and loving. They spend their days finding the best places to snooze and snuggle, and […]
Happy Ending: Harriet Louise (F/K/A Kodiak)

I’ve changed Kodiak’s name to Harriet…she is already starting to react to it! My dog (Henry) immediately took to her – he wants to be next to her at all times. She hissed at him a few times but doesn’t anymore. She has her favorite spots already…a shelf in the bathroom closet, her blanket placed […]
Happy Ending: Clark (F/K/A Clarksville)

I wanted to first thank both of you for all the work you do finding homes for all the wonderful cats that you do. Our home is happier and fuller with 2 cats from Angels Wish! Clarksville has had his name shortened to Clark, although most of the time I find myself calling him my […]
COVID-19 Update
We are closely monitoring Dane County Public Health’s recommendations. In order to best protect the health of our volunteers and other Center visitors, we ask that visitors follow these guidelines: Visit only if you have plans to adopt an animal or have another pre-arranged appointment. Consider submitting your application and waiting for it to be approved before […]
Happy Ending: Miki (F/K/A Miss. Crabtree)

Great news!!! Things are going great here!! We have renamed her Miki. It is Japanese for Beautiful tree or Beautiful Hope. We picked it for the ‘beautiful’ because, let’s face it, she is pretty gorgeous. And the ‘tree’ because that cat LOVES to climb. And ‘Hope’ because for a while we were hoping it would […]
Happy Ending: Cooper (F/N/K Spock)

Just giving you an update on Cooper (formally Spock) Cooper is doing so great! He and our resident cat Smokey are becoming fast friends. This Christmas we were able to do a full introduction and now they are playing all night long and […]