Buddy of Mine: Finanical and End-of-Life Assistance
We recently heard about a local non-profit offering financial assistance and end-of-life support to area pet-owners. Buddy of Mine‘s mission is “to help pet parents in need to help their pets receive love, care and nutritional food to ensure a long and happy life as members of the family.” Services include: 0% interest loan assistance in […]
New program helps homeless care for pets
A program of the UW-Madison Veterinary School that provides health care for the pets of homeless people is not just tending the animals, its director says. Wisconsin Companion Animal Resources, Education, and Social Services (WisCARES) is an outreach partnership at the University of Wisconsin. It provides basic veterinary medical care, housing support and advocacy, and […]
Happy Ending: Rusty (f/k/a Lady Marmalade)
“We’ve changed her name to Rusty and she’s doing very well. Her introduction to the other cats in our household was unbelievably easy. She’s so laid back in the presence of other cats that she just walked past the other cats and nothing happened. Rusty enjoys our screened-in porch on the front of the house […]
Featured Volunteer: Mary Ann Riggs
Mary Ann and a friend saw a need and started their own nonprofit to help organizations like Angel’s Wish. It is called 2 Crazy Cat Ladies. Here is her description of what she does and why she does it: “Cathy and I, both cat lovers, met when we were both volunteering at a local shelter. […]
How To Be The Most Popular Grandma On The Block
The answer is obvious! By fostering kittens for Angel’s Wish! Volunteer Angie L. has fostered several litters of kittens this year, much to the delight of her grandchildren. Kitten season seems to last longer each year. Even though we adopt out many cats and kittens this time of year, Angel’s Wish is still taking in […]
How to talk to your landlord about declawing
Are you excited about finally being able to adopt a cat or kitten, only to find out your new landlord requires declawing? You’ve done your research and know that declawing is a serious surgery with life-long implications for your feline’s behavior and health, and you don’t want to do that to your new friend. You […]
Featured Volunteer: Lisa
Q: What is your professional background? A: I have worked for the state of Wisconsin for the past 15 years in human resources Q: How long have you been volunteering for Angel’s Wish? A: I became a volunteer in November 2015 Q: Why did you choose Angel’s Wish? A: When I moved to Madison 6 […]
Kittens are best in pairs
Interested in adopting a kitten and don’t already have a feline at home? A single kitten can be a handful! They have lots of energy. A kitten will want much of your time and attention. If they haven’t expended energy during the day, they want to play all night. If you don’t have the time or […]
Plethora of kittens
What is a plethora? Some definitions would be surplus, superabundance, profusion, and lots of kittens. The kittens pictured above are just a few of the over 150 kittens that we have in our foster homes right now. From left to right – Lucky Lucy, Skip, Trek, Milo, Martini, Ginny Weasley, and Carrie Anne are either […]
Learn more about declawing
Declawing is a serious surgery for cats that goes beyond just removing the claws; it is the amputation of ten toes with long-term implications for the health and behavior of the cat. Dr. Christianne Schelling says this: Declawing is not like a manicure. It is serious surgery. Your cat’s claw is not a toenail. […]