Happy Ending: Badger

I just wanted you to know how great things are here with Badger and Georgia Lee. GL growled for 3 days but was very interested in Badger. Now they are playing all the time and just fascinated with each other. They wear each other out and […]
Happy Ending: Finneas (f/k/a Hickory)

We adopted Hickory last Sunday, December 8. His name is Finneas or Finn now. He is doing great and adjusting well. He is becoming best friends with my resident cat, Issac. He is a very sweet boy and we love him lots. Thanks for all you do. Warm regards, The Robertsons Adopted 12/8/2019
Happy Ending: Kira (f/k/a Pokey)

Today (December 15, 2019) is Kira’s one-year “gotchya” anniversary! She was originally Pokey and was at the Stoughton Veterinary Hospital. In the beginning, I was really nervous with her and my German Shepherd, Mauser, but as the picture attached shows, she’s “one of the dogs” now! She’s been incredibly sweet, social, and well mannered, even […]
Happy Ending: Raisin

We have had a great time getting to know Raisin the last few weeks. She is very playful and spends hours a day chasing Fuzzball (another Angel’s Wish adoptee) around our house. She still has some difficulties with weight and health, but our vet has already seen her and has given us the information needed […]
Happy Ending: Sparks (f/k/a Marty)

I’m writing to give you an update on Marty, who is now named Sparks. He’s doing great and is a big part of our family already. He plays hard with frequent cat naps in between. He has a hardy appetite and is extremely interested in people food. We are still working on his manners, namely […]
Happy Ending: Noodle

I wanted to give you an update on Noodle. He is doing great! He is a very sweet, spunky, yet easy-going kitty. He is loving his new family and he and Hazel (our dog) are doing well together. He had a visit to the vet yesterday for his distemper booster and rabies vaccine. He got […]
Happy Ending: Cali & Zoey (f/k/a Lexi & Lydia)

I just wanted to provide a follow up on two kitties that my husband John and I adopted on the 16th…Lexi and Lydia. We’ve changed their names to Cali (Lexi) and Zoey (Lydia). They are very sweet and energetic girls! Zoey has definitely warmed up to us, but Cali is still “thinking about it”. They’re both […]
Happy Ending: Finn (f/k/a Peter Brady)

I adopted Finn (formerly Peter Brady) a couple of months ago now. He has settled in amazingly well. He has become fast friends with my 2-year-old cat, Percy, and they play ALL the time. They are constantly wrestling and chasing each other around. Finn is a huge cuddler and sleeps right next to me every […]
Happy Ending: Fuzzy (f/k/a Gibson)

My family adopted Fuzzy after many years of begging on my part and we haven’t looked back since! Throughout the years he’s come to love relaxing on the porch and he loves to oversee any grilling that’s going on. Thank you Angel’s Wish for everything you do! Adopted late August 2003
Happy Ending: Oswald (f/k/a Tipi)

We want to let you know that Tipi (now named Oswald) has settled in absolutely famously to his new home. He and his brother Westley (also adopted from Angel’s Wish Feb 23 this year) run the house, play, and sleep together. They are already best friends after a couple of weeks. Oswald especially enjoys playing […]