Happy Ending: Luna (f/k/a Yuna)

Luna has settled in very well. It seems we are a perfect fit. I had her into the vet last week and they confirmed she is very healthy. She has slept with me every night since the first night. She likes to be in the same room as me. Adopted 9/7/2019
Happy Endings: Dawson & Daisy (f/k/a Buzz and Birdie)

Just wanted to let you know that everything is going great with Buzz and Birdie (we’re now calling them Dawson and Daisy). We are so enjoying them, especially our son! I’ve never met more friendly and patient cats. They are just wonderful and fit so well in our family. Thanks and have a good week, […]
Happy Ending: Moe (f/k/a Marshall)

We adopted Moe on 8/26 and he quickly adjusted to his new home! He loves to explore his new space and play with his toys. His favorite thing to do is look out the window from his kitty perch. He is definitely a cuddler and a purr machine! Thank you, Angel’s Wish! We couldn’t have imagined […]
Happy Ending: Remiel (f/k/a Bruce Banner)

Remiel, fka Bruce Banner, joined us in January of 2017. Since then he’s grown into his paws but he’s still Mama’s boy, crawling up into my arms for a quick snuggle. He just lost his older sister a couple of weeks ago and we can tell he and his doggy sister, Lulu, miss her. […]
Happy Ending: Esmé (f/k/a Clover)

Clover is settling in very well one week after getting adopted. Her name is now Esmé and she turned out to be a real wild child! Her favorite things to do are chase ping-pong balls, chew on cat grass, and sit in her cat tree to watch birds. She’s a wonderful addition to the family! […]
Happy Ending: Halo (f/k/a Venus)

Halo is doing great! Sadly, my older cat still hates her and hides upstairs and hisses and growls at Halo. Halo arches her back and poofs her tail and hisses back. We are keepig them apart as much as possible for now. We have two Feliway infusers going. Halo has her own little kitty […]
Happy Endings: Roo & Nyx (f/k/a Addie & Abilene)

It’s been just over a week since I adopted Addie and Abilene from Angels Wish, who quickly became Roo and Nyx when they got acclimated in their new home. Roo was a bit shy at first but both of them have been social butterflies almost since the day they came home, soaking up all […]
Happy Ending: Sydney (f/k/a Cindy)
Cindy is adjusting well here (we did rename her to Sydney). Her personality is coming to be a sweet girl with a mischievous playfulness. We are really fortunate to have her in our family. We took her to the vet on Friday and she is in great health. They gave her the rabies shot and […]