Happy Endings: Rocket & Pumpkin (f/k/a Creamery & Colby)

We adopted 2 kittens (Creamery and Colby) 2 weeks ago. They are doing pretty well, eating, pooping, playing. They got just examined a couple of days ago along with booster and rabies shots. Their new names are Rocket and Pumpkin respectively. Pumpkin is the favorite one, Rocket has a lot of energy .. hence the […]
Happy Ending: Gouda

Just wanted to give you the update that Gouda is doing great. He has doubled in size already. I think he is going to be a big cat. He is getting along with the other boys well, although Rocket wishes he would not take his toys all the time. He sees the vet on Saturday […]
Happy Ending: Finn (f/k/a Beau)

Wanted to give you an update about Beau. His new name is Finn and he is loving his new home! We are already so in love with him and can’t wait to see how he gets more comfortable with his new home! Everyone who has met him finds him so loveable and outgoing. We can’t wait to […]
Happy Ending: April

“Hello, everyone, It turns out my new home is pretty sweet. Free food, free sun from big windows, free healthcare, fresh linens, and staff that understand a feline is never wrong. Imagine a king-sized bed with six or seven pillows. It’s ridiculously luxurious. But I also have a ton of smaller baskets I can settle […]
Happy Ending: Murphy (f/k/a Barcode)

In March of this year, we adopted Barcode, now known as Murphy. He is absolutely delightful and is a perfect addition to our family. We simply can not imagine life without him. Murphy was pretty shy the first couple weeks, but quickly warmed up to the family including our cat Freya. It took Freya a […]
Happy Ending: Daca

Daca the sweet cat is settling in quickly. Day 2 and she’s already getting really comfortable in the house as you can see in the picture. She is such a sweetie. She snuggles and sleeps with me. She loves playing with my husband and the cat string. I have a vet appointment for her set […]
Happy Ending: Toby

Mr. Toby (full name: Toby Vladimir ‘Spressobean the First) is doing well with us and his new siblings. He’s still getting the hang of eating wet food instead of kibble, and he’s got some etiquette fine-tuning to do when he plays (he’s *very* exuberant!), but he’s been thoroughly enjoying getting pets, watching wildlife out the […]
Happy Endings: Apollo & Calypso (f/k/a Lark & Robin)

Both cats are doing great and adjusting well to life in a busy household. The kids just love them and show them off to all their friends. They had their first vet visits and are doing well. Both cats had yeast infections in their ears but we are treating them twice a day with drops […]
Happy Endings: Coal & Lisa

Thank you so very much for your help with our adoption of our two lovely black cats – they’ve adapted very nicely to our home, and we couldn’t be happier! They both love to lie in our laps when they’re not feeling too playful. They have such great personalities. Best wishes, Toby and Valerie Adopted […]