Happy Ending: Alchemy (f/k/a Dyson)

Alchemy is a West Coast Kitty now! He was a perfect angel on the big drive out to Washington State and provided comfort to his little brother Pogo (adopted while we lived in Michigan). They didn’t cry at all the whole way! Alchemy was a brave boy, didn’t hide in the hotel rooms, and slept […]
Happy Ending: Tyg (f/k/a Liatta)

Tyg is such an awesome cat! She’s super smart, learns very quickly, and is very sweet and affectionate. She likes to play fetch with her mouse toys, look out the window from the kitty condo, and of course TALK ALL THE TIME, which I love. When she wants to be pet she grabs my hand […]
Happy Endings: Conner & Shamus

Shamus and Conner continue to settle in. They were both our spare bedroom/toy room until yesterday after the vet. Shamus is quite the explorer and Conner is still hiding a bit. The girls are still a little hissy but the boys don’t seem to mind. Both of the boys are getting used to our black […]
Happy Ending: Lewis

I have an update for you on our kitten adoption – everything is great! Mark and I adopted a kitten (Lewis) from Angels Wish in January to entertain the kitten we previously acquired from a neighbor. We took home a black and white male kitten from Angels Wish on your recommendation – and that you […]
Happy Ending: Tony (f/k/a Kato)

Sending a happy ending with Kato now Tony. He has been a true blessing in the home. His endless snuggles and love have been so wonderful and we are grateful for him. He loves his toys, and his new sister Yui. They are getting along well. We love him so much!! Thank you for all […]
Happy Ending: Prue

Prue is the sweetest cat. We were all set to let her and Revy slowly get used to each other. Saturday they had some brief meetings, Revy did some hissing but Prue didn’t seem to care. Last night we had them meet again and we got them playing with each other. And then the rest […]
Happy Endings: Brady & Blackjack

Brady and Blackjack have adjusted very nicely. I got a very large cat tree for them, as you can see, and they absolutely love it. They both sit on the couch with Lionel while he is playing games, occasionally getting up and rubbing up against him for pets. They seem very much at home. I’m […]