Featured Volunteer: Lisa

Q: What is your professional background? A: I have worked for the state of Wisconsin for the past 15 years in human resources Q: How long have you been volunteering for Angel’s Wish? A: I became a volunteer in November 2015 Q: Why did you choose Angel’s Wish? A: When I moved to Madison 6 […]
Kittens are best in pairs

Interested in adopting a kitten and don’t already have a feline at home? A single kitten can be a handful! They have lots of energy. A kitten will want much of your time and attention. If they haven’t expended energy during the day, they want to play all night. If you don’t have the time or […]
Plethora of kittens

What is a plethora? Some definitions would be surplus, superabundance, profusion, and lots of kittens. The kittens pictured above are just a few of the over 150 kittens that we have in our foster homes right now. From left to right – Lucky Lucy, Skip, Trek, Milo, Martini, Ginny Weasley, and Carrie Anne are either […]
Learn more about declawing

Declawing is a serious surgery for cats that goes beyond just removing the claws; it is the amputation of ten toes with long-term implications for the health and behavior of the cat. Dr. Christianne Schelling says this: Declawing is not like a manicure. It is serious surgery. Your cat’s claw is not a toenail. […]