Dear Tabby column for January 22, 2021
Dear Tabby, I’m a little embarrassed to ask this–I feel like a cat of my age should know this, but I’ve never felt like I could ask anyone. My question: do humans understand our language? I often ask my human for things–a blanket, to move the sunbeams slightly to the left, for tuna in a […]
Happy Ending: Dawson & Pacey (F/K/A Ash & Cole)

Thank you again for your help in the adoption process of Dawson and Pacey! They are settling in wonderfully and are such great kittens. Their favorite activities include bird watching, roughhousing, and giving snuggles. Adopted: 5/4/2020
Volunteer Profile–Erika Pospichal

Logic puzzles, federal tax laws, and analyzing financial trends. Working with people, boxing classes, and live music events. Perhaps these groups of activities usually don’t mix. However, Angel’s Wish is lucky to have a stand-out treasurer who finds fun and interest in both groups of activities. Erika Pospichal (pronounced “Pahs-pickle”, though “my family is very […]
Happy Ending: Frank (F/K/A Anzac)

Things are going great with our new kitten, previously Anzac, now known as Frank. He is definitely a wacky little dude, who loves to run around the house chasing toys and crumpled up paper (he is even pretty good at fetch!). Our 12-month-old cat, Pete, is so excited to have someone to play chase and wrestle […]