Happy Ending: Roo (F/K/A Evie)

I just wanted to send some updates on Evie (now named Roo!). She is the absolute sweetest kitten and I love her to pieces! She and my brother’s cat are getting there, they’ve started eating next to each other which is a big step! She is super cuddly and lovable and I am just so […]
Happy Endings: Sydney

A quick note to let you know every human member of our family has fallen in love with Sydney, and he’s beginning to win over cats Spot and Jane as well. Our compliments on your matchmaking skills! Sydney sleeps next to nine-year-old Evan every night. They’ve really bonded, much to Evan’s delight. He wanted me […]
Happy Endings: Floof, Flurry, Dipper & Toyger

Here is a picture of the beautiful, loving litter of kitten that my family adopted from Angel’s Wish. They were born around April 6 so they are around 17 weeks old now. The reason that we wanted to adopt this whole litter is that the siblings are very close to each other and we wanted […]