Happy Ending: Mr. Gus Gustafson (F/K/A Herve)

Gus has been part our lives for two weeks and has taken over his kingdom with complete confidence! He explored the house the first day with his tail up and with overflowing curiosity. He has excitedly greeted visitors, put himself in his carrier for his trip […]
Happy Ending: Xarelta (F/K/A Bobbi Jo)

Xarelta, is doing great! Xarelta’s sisters took a while to warm up but Lunesta is now showing her around the WHOLE house and shares the cat tree with her to lay in the sun and watch the birds. You were so RIGHT that Xarelta loves spring toys. She has about 10 of them now that […]
Happy Ending: Daphne (F/K/A Dyamond)

I just wanted to thank you for choosing us to bring home Dyamond! She is working on adjusting and we are slowly introducing her to the other members of the family. We have chosen to change her name to Daphne, like in Scooby Doo. She has her first vet appointment today and she did GREAT […]