Happy Ending: Josephine (f/k/a Cutie Bug)

A little over two months ago, I brought Cutie Bug home– now known as Josephine (or JoJo, Joey, Joe Bug, and any number of nicknames we like to give her). This little one-eyed girl has been the funniest, sweetest kitten in the world! Josephine is the cuddliest, spunkiest little kitty I’ve ever met. Sometimes she […]
Happy Ending: Sammy

Sammy’s doing great! It took very little time for him to settle into his new home. He is a perfect fit! He and our other cat, Dizzy, became friends right away, and he even gets along with our dog Porkfrog! He’s so affectionate and funny. Thanks for fostering him! I’ve attached a couple of his pictures. […]
Happy Ending: Fox (f/k/a Crepe)

Fox, formerly known as Crepe, is doing really well. He and Willow are still working out the details of their relationship (he is sort of driving her crazy), but they have a lot of really sweet moments. He is the sweetest and is HILARIOUS, and is finally comfortable falling asleep in our laps. Catherine Adopted […]
Happy Endings: Cinnamon & Toast

We wanted to let you know that Cinnamon & Toast are doing great! They seem to have mostly gotten over being so scared and they are out a lot of the time now. Toast will actually not leave us alone when he’s awake. He loves attention and playing with his favorite feather toys. He […]
Happy Ending: Fred (f/k/a Freckles)

Freckles has started to adjust very nicely to his new home. Our other male cat has reached out to play and now he’s returning the fun! We’ve also decided to change his name to Fred! Except for the 3 o’clock am meows he’s adjusting quickly! He’s trying to figure out our very old dog, who mostly […]
Happy Ending: Dash & Cleo (f/k/a Banksy & Oprah)

Dash (Banksy) and Cleo (Oprah) are settling in nice. They are still getting used to cuddling but love to watch all the birds that visit our yard. Thank you for the opportunity to adopt them! We love them to pieces and they make our house so much more fun! Jenny, Nick, Katrina, Mia, Dash and […]
Happy Ending: Onyx (f/k/a Ling)

Our big black kitty turned 1 today! We love him!! So glad we adopted him! Stacey Adopted 8/29/2018
Happy Ending: Jasper

We are at the 10-day mark. So here’s an update. When I got Jasper home he saw Penny (1-year-old Bluepoint Siamese female kitten) first and they just looked at each other and didn’t react at all. Then Jasper saw Gracie (my 77 pound Weimaraner) and he instantly started hissing at her. Well, Penny got […]