Squeeks looks lovingly at her new human, thanking him for the comfy bed and great fur-ever home.

Squeeks ponders the great mysteries of cat life: where the humans go every day, why throwing up is much more comfortable on the carpet, and how to get opposable thumbs.
My name is Steven Lin and I adopted Squeeks about a week ago! She’s been doing great – she’s adapted to my apartment so quickly and seems healthy as can be. She’s never used the restroom outside of the litter box, and hasn’t scratched up all my furniture nearly as much as I expected!
She was quick to warm up to me, and I’ve had friends over multiple times with no issues. She’s very friendly – the moment I get home, she won’t leave me alone. She’s been eating dry food perfectly fine and seems to be using the cat fountain frequently too.
Here are some pictures of her 🙂
Adopted 3/10/2018