Already best buddies!

Sister cuddle sessions.
We renamed the gray torbie Rosita as Domovoi. In Russian folklore, a domovoi is a protective household spirit that can be somewhat mischievous or naughty if its nose is out of joint. Our Domovoi feels called to be mischievous or naughty regardless of the state of her nose though. She’s a curious, high-energy catling who shows promise as a mouser, and she’s a champion snuggler during her brief recharge periods.
The mostly black Abby Cadabby’s new name is Corvus kishimu, which is a tongue-in-cheek name for a species of squeaky crow. She has a rumbling purr that can be heard across a room, and she has a meow that commands attention. She’s an excellent little house panther, with a passion for chasing her toy springs and finding warm places to snooze.
Domovoi and Corvus aren’t siblings, but they were fostered together and get along very well—epic battles often dissolve into mutual grooming sessions or a sudden nap. Both cats were well socialized from the get-go, and they’ve been a wonderful addition to our family. We appreciate Angel’s Wish for connecting us with our new friends, and we particularly appreciate the care Amy gave them before they joined our family.
Adopted 11/2/2019