Happy Ending: Basil (F/K/A Tuscany) & Poppy (F/K/A Hush)

Update on Tuscany (now Basil) and Hush (now Poppy). They’re settling in well. Basil is an absolute lump of love who loves to play but mostly just wants to flop all over us. Poppy is a little more skittish but warming up and a love bug when she’s in the right mood. They’re still figuring […]
Happy Ending: Domovoi (F/K/A Rosita) & Corvus kishimu (F/K/A Abby Cadabby)
We renamed the gray torbie Rosita as Domovoi. In Russian folklore, a domovoi is a protective household spirit that can be somewhat mischievous or naughty if its nose is out of joint. Our Domovoi feels called to be mischievous or naughty regardless of the state of her nose though. […]